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Le Tiers Monde Peut Se Nourrir

Le Tiers Monde Peut Se Nourrir

13 February 1984 - Le génie technicien a permis d’endiguer des fleuves, de percer des montagnes, de faire fleurir des déserts, d’envoyer des hommes sur la lune. Le génie politique ne permet pas de nourrir 500 millions d’affamés. Défi majeur pour notre science et notre...

Microelectronics and Society

Microelectronics and Society

13 February 1982 - Through automation and miniaturisation, microelectronics has vast potential for thrusting society into a new phase. It promises to revolutionise the information handling aspects of our lives. But to gain maximum benefit from this breakthrough,...

L’Impératif de Coopération Nord / Sud

L’Impératif de Coopération Nord / Sud

13 February 1981 - Dans cet ouvrage, Jean Saint-Geours met en avant le point de vue des pays développés en matière de Nouvel Ordre économique international. Il propose des stratégies de changements qui ne prendraient pas appui sur des croyances en des mécanismes...

Impact of Microelectronics

Impact of Microelectronics

13 February 1980 - Impact of Microelectronics: A Tentative Appraisal of Information Technology Current technological change in microelectronics (information technology) differs substantially from past innovations. This assessment is based on the facts that the nature...

Tiers-Monde: Trois Quarts du Monde

Tiers-Monde: Trois Quarts du Monde

13 February 1980 - Jusqu’en 1973, le problème du Tiers-Monde était considéré comme marginal. II ne touchait l’opinion que par son aspect affectif ou dramatique – la pauvreté, la faim, la guerre, les grandes sécheresses et les inondations. Il n’intéressait les Etats...

Towards More Effective Societies

Towards More Effective Societies

13 February 1980 - Dr. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn explores how and why different societal orders have emerged. He analyses the basic components of these orders – values, political governance and economic systems. He then shows how the match between these components and the...

Dialogue on Wealth and Welfare

Dialogue on Wealth and Welfare

13 February 1980 - Dialogue on Wealth and Welfare – An Alternative View of World Capital Formation provides a deep analysis of modern economic ideas, with specific attention to its destructive mentality. Author: Orio Giarini

Energy: The Countdown

Energy: The Countdown

13 February 1979 - Energy: The Countdown raises the specter of a catastrophic energy crisis that could explode even before any comprehensive emergency plans are concerted. The goal is to make both decision-makers and the public aware that there exists a real threat to...

No Limits to Learning

No Limits to Learning

13 February 1979 - This book reconsiders global problems such as energy and the arms race, as well as more recent issues like cultural identity, communications and information. Attention is primarily focused on human problems and potential, rather than on material...

Beyond the Age of Waste

Beyond the Age of Waste

13 February 1978 - Beyond the Age of Waste discusses the results of the study conducted by the Club of Rome, which tackles the issues of the depletion of resources and its implication for the world in general. The opening chapter is an introduction that covers the...

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