31 March 2017 - "The Circular Economy and Benefits for Society: Jobs and Climate, Clear Winners in an Economy based on Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency" is a study report drafted at the request of The Club of Rome. Its central theme is how to greatly enhance...
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The Seneca Effect
12 February 2017 - The essence of this book can be found in a line written by the ancient Roman Stoic Philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca: “Fortune is of sluggish growth, but ruin is rapid”. This sentence summarizes the features of the phenomenon that we call...
Reinventing Prosperity
12 February 2016 - The biggest challenges facing the rich world today are persistent unemployment, widening income inequality, and accelerating climate change. Until now, most of the solutions to these problems have been politically unacceptable, in a world marked by...
Change the Story, Change the Future
12 February 2015 - Humans live through stories, says David Korten, and the stories that now govern our society have set us on a path to certain self-destruction. In this profound book, Korten shares the results of his search for a story that reflects the fullness of...
On the Edge
12 February 2015 - In 1972, The Limits to Growth helped people understand that world resources are limited. Soon after, people became aware of threats to the world?s rainforests, the biggest terrestrial repositories of biodiversity and essential regulators of global...
To Choose Our Future
12 February 2015 - Since its independence in 1947, India has made enormous progress. More people than ever before have longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives. Rapid gains in agriculture, industry, energy production and infrastructure have brought the benefits of...
Extracted (2014)
12 February 2014 - As we dig, drill, and excavate to unearth the planet?s mineral bounty, the resources we exploit from ores, veins, seams, and wells are gradually becoming exhausted. Mineral treasures that took millions, or even billions, of years to form are now...
12 February 2012 - Forty years ago, The Limits to Growth addressed the question of how humans would adapt to the physical limitations of planet Earth. It predicted that during the first half of the 21st century the human ecological footprint would stop growing-either...
Bankrupting Nature
03 February 2012 - Humanity is in deep denial about the magnitude of the environmental challenges and resource constraints it faces. Despite growing scientific consensus on environmental threats and the risks of resource depletion, societies are continuing with...
The Blue Economy
12 February 2010 - The Blue Economy began as a project to find 100 of the best nature-inspired technologies that could beneficially impact the economies of the world, while sustainably providing basic human needs – potable water, food, jobs, and habitable shelter....