Government and expert leaders join forces to champion green recovery and systemic transformation on World Environment Day

05 June 2020 –

On the eve of World Environment Day, ministers representing a growing number of countries from across all continents issued a joint statement urging a green and healthy recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, championing solutions which put people and planet first, boost the global economy and prevent future pandemics.

Ministers of Environment are joining forces to form a High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People to encourage governments worldwide to commit to protecting at least 30% percent of the planet’s land and sea by 2030 in the lead up to the UN CBD COP15. Nature-Based Solutions could deliver more than 30% of the global emission reduction needed to raise climate ambition and achieve the goals of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement. The objective is to scale up solutions that can deliver win-win-win opportunities for climate, people and nature, and build bridges between the two sister UN Conventions through a synergetic and systemic approach to transform all sectors of the economy.

Hosted by the Club of Rome and the Planetary Emergency Partnership, they were joined by leading economic and environmental experts explaining how a systemic transformation of societies can help us tackle the triple crisis for people, climate and nature we are facing today. Highlighting co-benefits of a green recovery for biodiversity protection, carbon sequestration and community resilience, they presented findings from the upcoming Economy of Nature report compiled by the Nature4Climate  partners which values the benefits provided by ecosystem services at $125-140 trillion per year.

Participants included:

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Minister of Environment of Costa Rica, Co-Chair of the HAC for Nature & People

Brune Poirson, Secretary of State, Ministry of Ecological and Solidary transition, France, Co-Chair of the HAC for Nature & people

Teresa Ribera, Minister of the Ecological Transition, Spain

Lee White, Minister of Forests, Oceans, Environment and Climate Change, Gabon (tbc)

Tina Stege, Climate Special Envoy for the Republic of the Marshall Islands

Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute

Sandrine Dixson-Declève, President of the Club of Rome


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