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Reimagining peace: A feminist perspective

Reimagining peace: A feminist perspective

06 June 2024 - This blog is part of a series drawn from Peace in the Anthropocene, our latest publication at The Club of Rome. Each entry reflects one of the many viewpoints held by our diverse membership, illustrating the rich tapestry of ideas within our network....

To restore humanity, stop the genocide and make Israel accountable

To restore humanity, stop the genocide and make Israel accountable

22 May 2024 - This blog is part of a series drawn from Peace in the Anthropocene, our latest publication at The Club of Rome. Each entry reflects one of the many viewpoints held by our diverse membership, illustrating the rich tapestry of ideas within our network....

Bridging science and sustainability 

Bridging science and sustainability 

24 October 2023 - In the heart of Belgrade, Serbia, a remarkable journey unfolds—a journey that seamlessly weaves together the realms of science, sustainability and global collaboration. At the centre of this narrative is Nebojša Nešković, a physicist of distinction...

Uwe Möller: A man of foresight

Uwe Möller: A man of foresight

19 September 2023 - “He inspired without dominating; he excelled without taking the shine off others.” Uwe Möller, former Secretary-General of The Club of Rome (1999 to 2007) and former president of the German Chapter (1989 to 1999), recently passed away at the age of...

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