Decade of action

The Planetary Emergency Partnership strives to raise awareness for an integrated, systemic approach that addresses the cross-cutting challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and human health and well-being. The partnership advocates for implementation of the commitments and actions of the Planetary Emergency Plan, and builds momentum for a recognition that we are in a Planetary Emergency.

Bringing together voices from the climate, biodiversity and health communities the partnership emphasises the need for a decade of decisive delivery to ensure we meet the interlinked 2030 agendas.

Initiated by The Club of Rome and Potsdam Institute for Climate-Impact Research, with initial partners WWF and Nature4Climate, the Planetary Emergency Partnership now consists of over 350 scientists, policymakers, business leaders, youth representatives and NGOs. The Partnership supports the Leaders Pledge for Nature, the Global Goal for Nature, UNFCCC Race to Zero and Race to Resilience campaigns and the 50×30 Coalition.

By bringing together civil society organisations, academics, scientists, business leaders and public officials from across the globe, the partnership provides one of the largest, unbranded civil society coordination platforms to help build for a successful ‘triple crown’ of the UN Food Systems Summit, CBD COP15 and COP26 summits in 2021.

Summary Report of 2020 activities.

The Planetary Emergency Partnership meets monthly for a virtual strategy discussion on specific policy areas and key influencing moments. Partner calls focus on calls to action, intelligence briefings, network-building and coordination on collective targets and campaigns. We welcome new Partners to join us.

Interested in joining the Partnership?

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