Prof. Markku Wilenius is Professor of futures studies at the Turku School of Business, Finland. After gaining a PhD on the topic of climate change in 1997, he soon became Director of Finland Futures Research Centre and worked widely with governments and businesses. Over the years, Markku has published many books and articles. His latest book is called “Patterns of the Future: Understanding the next 40 years of global change” (World Scientific, forthcoming). Currently, Markku is establishing the “Turku Complex Systems Institute”. This new institute aims at targeting complex societal problems –such as urbanization – with systems thinking and dynamic data analysis.
Markku was the founding chair of the Finnish Chapter of the Club of Rome and the principal organizer of the Club of Rome annual conference in Helsinki in 2004. He is now chairing three foundations and on the board of several sustainability start-ups.
Markku has a personal website here.