Prof. Walter R. Stahel is since 1983 founder and director of the Product-Life Institute (Switzerland), the oldest established consultancy in Europe devoted to developing sustainable strategies and policies; with partner institutes in Tokyo and Vienna. He is also Vice Secretary General and director of risk management research of the Geneva Association (International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics), the world’s leading think-tank on economic and risk issues concerning the insurance sector, financed by its members, the CEOs of the ninety biggest insurance and reinsurance companies worldwide.
With his paper “The Product-Life Factor”, Walter was one of the laureates of the Mitchell-Prize Competition on sustainable societies in Houston, TX, USA, in 1981. Together with Peter Perutz, Stahel won a first prize in the competition of the German Future’s Society, Berlin, with a paper on unemployment, occupation and profession in 1978.
Walter tweets @ProductLife
Read an interview with Walter R. Stahel on closing the loop for a sustainable future.