Nešković, Nebojša

Nebojša Nešković is a theoretical physicist also involved in accelerator technologies. Currently, he is Trustee and Vice President for Science and Technology of the World Academy of Art and Science and President of the Serbian Chapter of the Club of Rome. He is also a member of the Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia. 

Nešković has been Director of the Laboratory of Physics of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, and Associate Director of the Vinča Institute responsible for making and implementing its long-term research program. He has also been Head of the TESLA Project, in the Vinča Institute, which has comprised the construction and use of a large-scale facility for science, technology, medicine and education with ion beams, and Director of the TESLA Scientific Center, an association of 15 scientific and educational institutions from South-Eastern and Central Europe, whose joint program has been focused on science with accelerators and accelerator technologies. 

Besides, he has been the representative of Serbia responsible for nuclear sciences in the Program Committee of Horizon 2020, the Framework Program for Research and Innovations of the European Commission. In addition, he has been the main organiser of a number of international scientific meetings related to materials science, nanoscience, radiation research, biomedicine, nuclear physics, physics of elementary particles, nuclear medicine, basic sciences, sustainable development, future education etc. He has authored or coauthored numerous scientific publications. 

Read an interview with Nebojša Nešković on bridging science and sustainability.
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