Dr. Hans R. Herren is a researcher specialized in holistic, integrated and sustainable agriculture and food systems. He managed agriculture and bio-science research organizations and now is active at the policy development level. President and CEO of the Millennium Institute USA (2005-Present); Chief Executive and Director General of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology Kenya (1994-2004); Director Biological Control Program and Director Plant Health Management Division of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Nigeria (1979-1994); Coordinator of the Agriculture chapter of the UNEP Green Economy Report (2011), and of the UNEP Report on the Ecological Bases of Food Security (2012); Co-Chair of the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (2003-2009). Laureate of Right Livelihood Award 2013, World Food Prize 1995, Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement 2003 and Foreign Associate US National Academy of Sciences 1999, Member Third World Academy of Sciences 2005.