Prof. Sirkka Heinonen is a prominent Finnish future researcher and strategic foresight practitioner. Her expertise lies studying perceptions of time, futures thinking, urban futures, and anticipation of risks of technology on society and nature. Inventor of the concepts of “Creative Foresight Space” and “Futures Cliniques”, Sirkka has been involved in preparing the Finnish Government’s Futures Report to the Parliament (climate and energy scenarios), and in renewing the Finnish National Strategy for Information Society.
As Professor of the Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRS) at the University of Turku, she is in charge of the Master’s Programme in Futures Studies. Her aim is to promote futures learning and futures consciousness in Sustainable Knowledge Society, catalysing innovative solutions to global challenges amidst social and technological change. Sirkka is also President of the Finnish Society for Futures Studies, Chair of the Helsinki Node of the Millennium Project; Member of the Technology Prize pre-selection committee, Member of the editorial board of Futures, the European Journal of Futures Research, and World Future Review.