Dr. Isidro Fainé has been Chairman of CaixaBank since 2009 and a member of the Board of Directors since 2000, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the La Caixa Banking Foundation and of CriteriaCaixa.
Isidro serves as Chairman for several other organizations also such as the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks, the European Savings Banks Group, and the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives. He is also Vice-Chairman of Telefónica and of Repsol, and Deputy Chairman of the World Savings Banks Institute.
Isidro is a member of the Royal Academy of Economics and Finance, the Royal Academy of Doctorate Holders, and the Business Council for Competition. He holds a Doctorate in Economics, an International Senior Managers Program certificate in Business Administration from Harvard University, and a Diploma in Senior Management from the IESE Business School. He is currently Chairman of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome.