Dr. Lewis Akenji is managing director of Hot or Cool Institute, a public-interest think tank that explores the intersection between society and sustainability. His work takes a political economy lens to economic development and the environment, with implications on fair distribution of resources within ecological limits.
Lewis has served as Executive Director of SEED, founded as a United Nations partnership to promote entrepreneurship for sustainable development. He has consulted with multilateral institutions including the UN, the Asian and African Development Banks, the European Commission, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and has served as technical or policy adviser to several national governments. He serves on several boards and international committees, including as Commissioner on the Transformational Economics Commission of Earth4All.
He has an M.Sc. Sustainable Resource Management (Technical University Munich, Germany) and a Ph.D. Political Economy (University of Helsinki, Finland).
Read an interview with Lewis Akenji on how the high-polluting rich are costing everyone else a good life.