Doctor of Economics, Professor, member of the scientific and expert communities in Russia, China, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and some other countries.
General Director of the International Research Institute for Advanced Systems (IRIAS), international organization, headed in 1970-1980-s by German Gvishiany, member of the Club of Rome.
Author of over 500 scientific papers, including 30 monographs. Some scientific papers are published in the United States, Germany, Portugal, Finland, Italy, China and other countries in English, German, Chinese and other languages.
The scientific activity of Dr. A.I. Ageev is focused on the problems of economic growth, the world economy, integration processes, competition, information systems solutions, development and application of international standards in the field of artificial intelligence, investment, risk management, integrated reporting and others.
Prof. A. Ageev is also rector of the INES Business School, head of department at the National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and professor of Moscow state university of international relations as well as professor of the Renmin University in Beijing and Singapore Academy of corporate management.
Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal «Economic Strategies» and the international quarterly «Partnership of civilizations».