Socially responsible banking means moving beyond self-interest to benefit society as a whole. How precisely? This in-person event will discuss how banks can benefit society by focusing on projects and entrepreneurial activities that address social challenges.
- Carlos Alvarez Pereira (moderator) – Vice-president of The Club of Rome.
- Peter Blom – Co-Founder and former CEO (1995-2021) of Triodos Bank, and Founder of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV.org) and member of The Club of Rome
- Isabelle Delécraz Regad – Client Advisor, Banque Alternative Suisse
- Anna-Riikka Kauppinen, Associate Professor, Anthropology and Sociology, Pictet Chair in Finance and Development, Geneva Graduate Institute.
The event is part of the new Geneva Graduate Institute’s Centre for Finance and Development – The Club of Rome Series: What Needs Transformation hosted by The Club of Rome and the Geneva Graduate Institute’s Centre for Finance and Development.