Emerging New Civilisations

Emerging New Civilisations

05 April 2023 - Visit The Fifth Element website The Fifth Element The Fifth Element, led by The Club of Rome, is a platform that facilitates the mutual transformation of communities, academics and policymakers to bring the unique perspective of systems transformation...
The power of language beyond words

The power of language beyond words

18 November 2022 - We are often not as conscious as we should be about the power of the words we use in everyday language. We also use words that have become common parlance with little attention to the possible meanings they may convey in diverse contexts. We are...
The system within

The system within

29 May 2024 - Lack of attention to the psychological and cultural dimension of systems is widespread – but inner factors are fundamental to global crises and the approaches we require. A new deep dive paper complementing Earth for All begins to redress the balance. 50...
Climate security risks and Australia’s failure

Climate security risks and Australia’s failure

03 May 2024 - “Too hot to handle: The scorching reality of Australia’s climate–security failure” is a report published by the Australian Security Leaders Group (ASLCG). This article is an extract from the report. One line of evidence for the Australian Government’s...
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