Daniel Erasmus conceived and led the team building ClimateGPT- the world’s first foundational AI model family on Climate Change, built on more than a decade of collecting and processing planetary scale datasets as CEO of Erasmus.AI. The Erasmus.AI platform was built to augment, inform and reveal hidden connections in the world’s news, from Human Centered Extreme Weather Dashboards, to maps of global innovations, risks and breakthroughs.
As co-founder of The Digital Thinking Network, he has been running large scale scenario planing and transformation processes for more than 25 years. Notable actions based on scenario and AI insights have been: As a response to food security challenges due to CoVID Daniel initiated a process which in 3 months sponsored 1 million meals and to date sponsored more than 60 Million meals in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Scenario processes that he lead anticipated Global Financial Crisis for a bank in 2006, Oil Price Collapse in 2012 each leading to multi-billion Dollar profits for clients, and in the public sector transformation DTN created Rotterdam Advisory Board which lead Rotterdam Climate Initiative in 2005 (to half CO2 emissions by 2025) and the 30 year global future scenarios Ci’Num.
He has written 3 books on Innovation and Networked Society and authored several columns including the Information Society Column for the Financial Times Review. Erasmus has held various board positions and fellowships, including currently the University of Stellenbosch’s Faculty of Science Advisory Board, Cambridge based Titan Advanced Energy Solutions and the supervisory board of Quad9 Foundation.