Abid, Ahmed

Ahmed Abid (Ahmed Abidur Razzaque Khan) is an artivist academic and Assistant Professor of General Education at the University of Liberal Arts (ULAB) Bangladesh.

A member of the cultural movement in Bangladesh since the 1980s, Ahmed became a promising young actor, director and playwright by the early 1990s. He holds a joint PhD in ‘Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance’ through the Human Rights Centre, University of Padova, Italy and the School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University, Australia.

His academic journey includes the completion of a Master of Arts in philosophy from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh), a Master of Arts in Human Rights and Social Development from Mahidol University, Thailand and a Diploma in Cinema and Human Rights from the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization (EIUC) in Venice, Italy.

Abid was the artistic director of the Move Media Rights Festival, the first travelling human rights film festival in Thailand, in 2009. Ahmed’s research and work interests have developed across four key areas: irregular migration, refugees, and labour trafficking; diaspora and creative engagement; climate change, innovation, and disaster risk management; and postcolonial studies. He makes documentary films, designs plays, curates storytelling projects and organises events around the world.

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